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Import options

Countries, transport options and implementation

A working group of the ‘Energy Systems of the Future’ (ESYS) academy project has analysed options for importing and transporting hydrogen. Advantages and disadvantages are considered as well as, for example, obstacles to establishing trade relations.

In the coming years the demand in Germany for hydrogen and its derived products will increase significantly. Some scenarios see demand at around 45-110 terawatt hours in 2030. In 2045, according to these scenarios, demand could reach roughly 400-700 terawatt hours. In future, Germany will probably only be able to meet these needs through imports from EU and non-EU countries.

The experts do not advocate a particular import option, but instead provide a differentiated examination of the various possibilities. This is done, among other things, through cost calculations and country analyses that are representative of certain transport routes and country conditions.


TO THE PubliCation (in german)


H2-Compass is a project of acatech and DECHEMA. The project is funded by BMBF and BMWK.