H2-Compass Project

Sounding Board

Providing continuous holistic expert feedback

The H2-Compass project is accompanied by a sounding board consisting of highly experienced hydrogen researchers and practitioners from academia, business and organised civil society. This ensures a holistic and high-quality perspective.

Frank-Detlef Drake
Frank-Detlef Drake

E.ON Energy Research Center gGmbH

Techno-economic system expertise along the value chain of hydrogen and its derivatives

Christian Essers
Christian Essers

Wacker Chemie AG

Procurement of electricity, including green electricity, and hydrogen; transformation from conventional to green hydrogen production

Maximilian Fleischer
Maximilian Fleischer

Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG

Work on technologies for energy generation, storage and sector coupling for a renewable energy system strategy

Manfred Fischedick
Manfred Fischedick

Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie

System analysis, multi-criteria assessment of technologies and transformation pathways, energy and climate policy

Angelika Heinze
Angelika Heinzel

Zentrum für Brennstoffzellen-Technik GmbH

Research and development for hydrogen production and fuel cell technology

Ulrike Hinz
Ulrike Hinz

WWF Germany

Climate and energy policy, science communication about hydrogen and power-to-X, sustainability criteria for import/export of hydrogen and its derivatives

Andreas Löschel
Andreas Löschel

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Energy economics, economics of climate change, behavioural economics, monitoring of the energy transition

Wiebke Lüke
Wiebke Lüke


Pioneer for green hydrogen, start-up founder, innovation expert, network builder

Karen Pittel
Karen Pittel

ifo Institute

Economic analysis and framework conditions, energy and climate policies

Ernst Rauch
Ernst Rauch

Munich RE AG

Impacts of climate change on natural disaster damage; risk management of climate technologies and adaptation measures

Ortwin Renn
Ortwin Renn

RIFS Potsdam

Social and individual behaviour in the context of the energy transition, especially acceptance and motivation for technical and social innovations

Dirk Uwe Sauer
Dirk Uwe Sauer

RTHW Aachen University

Energy storage and battery technology for mobile applications; integration of renewable energies; intersectoral energy system


H2-Compass is a project of acatech and DECHEMA. The project is funded by BMBF and BMWK.