Ein Handschlag für Sicherheit und Akzeptanz.

Safety and acceptability

How can the safety of new hydrogen technologies be ensured?

Extensive experience

Public acceptance of a widespread use of hydrogen technologies is related to the level of knowledge about hydrogen and hydrogen technologies. Knowledge makes it easier to assess and evaluate risks and to take appropriate measures to minimise them. This creates confidence in the transition.

Existing knowledge

The use of hydrogen has been standard in the chemical industry for decades. The industry thus has extensive knowledge and experience in handling hydrogen, which form a good foundation for safety measures in other sectors. Safety aspects must be considered along the entire value chain, starting from hydrogen production, through hydrogen transport and storage to its application.  Some key issues are:

  • The selection of suitable, durable materials, for example to avoid the embrittlement of metals
  • The development of hydrogen-compatible lubricants for moving components
  • The monitoring of gas concentrations by means of suitable sensors and warning detectors in order to prevent the formation of explosive mixtures
  • The safety and tightness of gas storage tanks
  • The detection of gas leaks (e.g. along pipelines)

Dealing with new technologies

Before new technologies can be used, they must be tested for compliance with appropriate safety standards. Only after an assessment by independent experts can new technologies or systems be introduced to the market.

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Thomas Hild

Thomas Hild
Scientific Officer, DECHEMA



H2-Compass is a project of acatech and DECHEMA. The project is funded by BMBF and BMWK.